Spellbound Siberian Cats

Our Queens

Arabesque Strana Chudes (Arabesque)

Arabesque arrived at our cattery on October 2, 2019.  She was born May 31, 2019 at the Strana Chudes cattery in Moscow, so we have had her since she was only 5 months old!  She is super-sweet and playful, and can be very cuddly when she isn't busy playing.  She helps take care of all of the other queens' kittens (and tries to put them all in her own nest if we aren't watching...).




She also comes from champion bloodlines—in four generations she only has two grandparents who haven't won titles!   Her official color is SIB g (Blue-Cream Tortie) and she has hazel eyes.

She and Lirra are our only queens who produces colorpoint kittens; she also gives us beautiful blue/greys, and orange/red/creams as well.

Ch Nezabudka Manchzhury (Nezabudka)

Nezabudka arrived at our cattery on November 12, 2022 along with her son, Zefirchik.  She was born November 5, 2017 at the Manchurzy cattery in Vladivostok, Russia.  She is very loving to both us and her kittens. She loves to be held and even gives kisses!

She comes from a long line of Champions and is a Champion in her own right, with trophies and ribbons of her own!

Nezabudka and Harley tend to give us orange males, brown/black tabbies of both genders, and calico females, and the families who take them home tell us they are sweet, smart, and playful.


Tsezara Delamar (Zara)

Tsezara was born on March 30, 2023.  She and her mate, Luchik, came to live with our foster family near San Antonio in September 2024.


She is officially a Black silver spotted torbie with hazel eyes.  She had one litter before she came to us, with five kittens ranging from light cream to dark orange/red, and one CORIN Silver (bimetallic).


SpellboundSC Precious Marie (Marie)

Marie was born at our cattery on April 16, 2023.  She is from Arabesque's Litter F, and is living in St. Hedwig (near San Antonio), TX with her brother Stone, along with our Queen Tsezara and our Sire Luchik.

She is a cream tabby point with blue eyes, and we can't wait to see what colors of kittens she produces!


Our Males

Zefirchik Manchzhury (Zefirchik)

Zefirchik arrived at our cattery on November 12, 2022, along with his mother, Nezabudka.  He was born February 14, 2020 at the Manchurzy cattery in Vladivostok, Russia.  He is every bit as sweet as you would hope for a Valentines kitten to be, and loves to give kisses and be carried like a baby!

He is a Champion, and comes from a long line of Champions, and he is our largest male, normally weighing around 17 lbs. At the point of this writing, he still has another year of growing and filling out ahead of him!

He is cream spotted w/white and carries both colorpoint and dilution, so we get a great variety of colors of kittens from him.


Harley Dikoe Pole (Harley)

Harley arrived at our cattery on December 6, 2022.  He was born April 26, 2019 at the Dikoe Pole Cattery in Lviv, Ukraine.

At his previous cattery he was kept in a room with other male cats and not socialized with people—he had not been exposed to men at all!—but has adjusted nicely; once he gets to know you he is every bit as sweet as he looks.

He is a blue tabby point and he is a Champion in both WCF and RUI, and has a pedigree filled with Champion ancestors, just like all of our other cats.


Luchik Dubravushka (Sunray)

Luchik was born April 28, 2023.  He and his mate came to live with our foster family near San Antonio in September 2024.


He is a Red Spotted Tabby with white and has hazel eyes. He is a very sweet daddy who loves to snuggle with kittens.


SpellboundSC Lirra

Lirra was born in our cattery on August 1, 2022.    She was one of the kittens from Mirra's Litter L (hence the name...).

Lirra is a super-sweet girl who absolutely love kittens and has the easiest births of any cat we've ever had.  She's very playful when she isn't in the nest with babies and, while she usually doesn't love being held for more than a couple of minutes, she is always happy to snuggle next to us for petting, and loves cheek scritches more than anyone!

She is officially a Black Golden Mackerel torbie with gold eyes—and she has probably the fluffiest tail of all our cats.  She has given us litters of 7-9 kittens (just like her Mama!) with great variety in coloring.  (So far we have gotten blue and cream points, red and cream tabbies, blue tabbies and torbies, and CORIN golds and silvers. She is also the only female so far who has given us red females!)

Aria Śnieżny Urwis (Aria)

We retired Aria in April 2024 after the birth of her Litter K because births were beginning to be harder for her, and that isn't what we wanted for her.  At the moment she is still living with us, and she will until we find the perfect home...

Aria arrived in our cattery from Poland on August 9, 2019.    She was born November 10, 2018 to a respected Siberian breeder in Poland.

She's full of energy and plays as hard and long as any of our kittens. She loves to be petted and especially loves to be snuggled by our 14 year old daughter. (She runs to greet her every morning, trilling the whole way.)  Aria is every cat's BFF; she gets along with everyone and breaks up fights between the others if/when they happen.


Like our cats, she comes with a highly decorated pedigree. Her mother is a Champion, her father a Grand International Champion, and her grandparents and great grandparents are Champions, International Champions, World Champions, and Grand International Champions.  (Looking further back you'll see more of the same.)

Her coloring—she is officially a Black Golden Shaded tabby with hazel eyes—and markings are very striking and she produces kittens who are equally gorgeous!  So far, they have been mostly brown/black tabbies.

Mirra Dubravushka (Mirra)

Mirra was retired in October 2022 after an emergency c-section during the birth of her litter L. (We kept one of the females and named her Lirra.)  Mirra now lives with her new family near Houston, and is living her best life as queen of their home.

Mirra Dubravushka (Mirra)

Mirra arrived in our cattery from Ukraine on June 20, 2018.    She was born May 5, 2017 and was purchased by and shipped to us from another respected Ukranian Siberian breeder.

Like our cats, she comes with a highly decorated pedigree.

Her mother is a Champion, her father an International Champion, and her great grandparents are Champions, International Champions, World Champions, and Grand International Champions.  (Looking further back you'll see more of the same.)

Mirra's color is SIB ds 24 (Red Silver Spotted Tabby) and she has copper eyes.Her color genes have definitely dominated all of our males'; we've had quite a few orange kittens, along with some grey, and some brown/black mackerel tabbies (who all had orange patches peeking through the other colors).

Dionysus iz Lukomoriay (Pukhlia)

We retired Pukhlia in October 2022 because we kept one of his daughters for breeding.  He is now living in Austin and is very happy to no longer be swarmed with scary kittens. 

His official name is Dionysus, but his breeder told us they affectionately call him "Pukhlia" (roughly translates as "big fluffy thing), so that is what is we call him.

Pukhlia arrived at our cattery on August 29, 2020 after a several-month delay because of Covid 19 restrictions.  He was born August 8, 2018 at the Raduga zhelaniy cattery and was a show cat until we purchased him.  He comes from a long line of Champions—every ancestor in his pedigree has titles!—and is an International Champion himself.  He has a wall full of ribbons and trophies (which he seems to know are his!  (When I put them up he came and laid down in front of them, looking up at me like he was waiting for photos...)

Dionysus iz Lukomoriay (Pukhlia) after being bathed and blow dried

He was the largest of our cats (15 lbs or so at this writing) until we got Zefirchik, and will continue to grow and fill out until his is about 5.

His official color is a 33 (blue point) and he has gorgeous blue eyes.  He has produced kittens of all colors for us, all healthy, adorable, and loving. (Too bad he's afraid of them... I swear he thinks he's their size and hugely outnumbered... lol)

Dionysus iz Lukomoriay (Pukhlia) - How he looks on a normal day




In Memoriam





If you would like to see photos of our kittens, please visit our Previous Litters page or join our Facebook group (which is always the most up-to-date) or if you are ready to reserve one you can just visit our store and place a deposit.

In the beginning...

We started off slowly, with one breeding pair back in early 2016.

That first pair consisted of Rossity Tamara (Mama) and Baikal Knyaz Gvidon (Gāb), who produced a few litters together before they came to us, and gave us many of the most beautiful, cuddly, playful kittens you could ask for before being retired.  See the gallery on our "Previous Litters" page or on our Facebook page (don't forget to "Like" our page!) for photos and videos of all of our cats' progeny.

We're pleased to be able to say that none of our kittens, from any of our queens, have been returned by any of our allergic owners who have purchased from us specifically for the hypoallergenic quality of the kittens.

Mama and Gāb

Mama (Rossity Tamara)


Mama (Rossity Tamara) was born in August 2009 and brought to the US from Russia by another breeder.  She is from International and World Champion lines—there are too many awards on her pedigree for me to list here, but among them are European Champion, World Champion, International Champion, and Grand International Champion (repeated  throughout the generations).

We retired Mama in spring 2018 after many, many amazing kittens, and can only hope that all of our present and future queens are half as amazing as she is.  (And if their kittens are even half as wonderful as hers, we will thank our lucky stars...)

Rossity Tamara (Mama) Pedigree
Gāb (Baikal Knyaz Gvidon)


Gāb (Baikal Knyaz Gvidon) was born in July 2009 and brought to the US from Russia by another breeder.  He is from International and World Champion lines—there are too many awards on his pedigree for me to list here, but among them are European Champion, World Champion, International Champion, and Grand International Champion (repeated  throughout the generations).

Gāb sired all of our gorgeous, healthy, lovable kittens through Mirra's Litter D, and we will count ourselves as very blessed if our next male's kittens are half as sweet.

Baikal Knyaz Gvidon (Gāb) Pedigree